MIDOCs, a state-funded program that aims to recruit, train and retain providers with the goal of increasing access to care in rural and urban underserved communities in Michigan, has created a map showing where MIDOCs residents are currently training. Over the past four years, MIDOCs has created a total of 76 new residency slots across seven high-need specialties in the Upper Peninsula, northern Michigan, mid-Michigan, Detroit, and west Michigan.
To help address community needs and provide the best training possible to MIDOCs residents, new residency training sites are continually being added and expanded as resources allow. MIDOCs residency rotation sites are located in primary care and mental health shortage areas and provide care to Michiganders through hospitals, community clinics, community mental health agencies, private practices, and more.
The map below shows where training is actively happening:
To learn more about MIDOCs, please visit www.michigandocs.org
MIDOCs is administered by Michigan Health Council and is made possible through a partnership between four Michigan medical schools -- Central Michigan University College of Medicine (CMUCOM), Michigan State University College of Human Medicine (MSUCHM), Wayne State University School of Medicine (WSUSOM) and Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine (WMed).