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Who We Are

Advisory Council 

The Advisory Council helps support the implementation of the MIDOCs Program to include input on the development of the program and the impact on state and program goals.


John Barnas, Executive Director, Michigan Center for Rural Health

Robert Flora, MD, MBA, MPH, Chief Academic Officer/ VP of Academic Affairs, McLaren Health Care

Karlene Ketola, MSA, CAE, CEO, Michigan Academy of Family Physicians
Phillip Bergquist, CEO, Michigan Primary Care Association
Jisselly Salcedo, MD, MIDOCS 1st Cohort, Psychiatry, Central Michigan University College of Medicine
Leon Hudson, Jr., MPH, EMNO, Associate Director, Michigan Area Health Education Center

Cameron Schaecher, MD, MIDOCs 4th Cohort, Internal Medicine, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine

Tiffany Truong, MD, MIDOCs 4th Cohort, Pediatrics, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine

David Westphal, MD, MIDOCs 3rd Cohort, Family Medicine, MidMichigan Medical Center – Midland Family Medicine Residency Program/MSUCHM

MIDOCs Board 

Rebecca Blake, Sr. Director, Education Svcs; MSMS Foundation Director; PCVS CEO, Michigan State Medical Society

Mark Brieve, Director, Community and Government Relations at MSU College of Human Medicine

Carly Burkett, Manager, Finance and Accounting, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine

Dave Greco, Government Health Affairs Associate at Wayne State University

Anne Messman, MD, Assoc. Dean of Graduate Medical Education/DIO and Vice Chair of Education for the Department of Emergency Medicine, Wayne State University School of Medicine

David Overton, MD, MBA, Assoc. Dean, Graduate Medical Education, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine

Randy Pearson, MD, Professor; CHM Assistant Dean, Graduate Medical Education; MSU/Sparrow Family Medicine Residency, Senior Associate Director

Toby Roth, Jr., Associate Vice President Government & External Relations, Central Michigan University

Mary Jo Wagner, MD, Chief Academic Officer/DIO, Central Michigan University Medical Education Partners



Amy Hoge, Director, Physician Services, Michigan Health Council; MIDOCs Executive Director



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